Self Reflection:
Thursday, 31 August 2023
1st Attempt Storyboard
Self Reflection:
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Practice Storyboard
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Text Analysis: A Quiet Place
Section A
This is my video analysis for A Quiet Place
The text extract, was from A Quiet Place. The film maker wanted to convey the big idea of there being minimal sound (is extremely quiet), is deserted, and is left without any power. with the usage of boring simple camera shots, the absence of a musical score, and non-clear lighting
From start to finish, the film maker shows that there are little to no sound. Only in the end, where the party exits the convenience store does the film's score begin to play. The film maker even shows how quiet the characters are by letting the only things to make sound, are the pages that flip from a newspaper, or a toy being dropped. This then creates a sense of silence. The characters use thick fabric clothing to minimalize the sound they make, even tip toeing to make less noise. This indicates that the characters are attempting to sneak around to create less noise as possible, This sneaking feel can also be felt by the viewer through a Mise-en-scene technique called blocking as well as using minimal lighting. By placing the camera behind shelves of painkillers and behind other empty shelves, it makes the viewer feel as if they are stealthily hiding behind objects, and sneaking around without making any noise. The minimal lighting creates mostly shaded areas inside the store, making the characters stay in the shadows to keep hidden and promote the sense of sneaking around. Once, outside, where the light is brighter and clearer, and when the musical score begins to play, breaking the silence and suspension previously felt inside the store and indicates that they are no longer moving too discretely and is now more calm outside the store. The sequence of shots shown were mostly trucking, and still camera angles and movements. Which can be boring, but used to create suspense for the viewer, and keep the viewer's attention while being very simple because no other crazy camera angle/movement is needed since, nothing intense is going on, if a hand-held camera movement is used, it would look to noisy for the viewer, and would not fit the effect of being slow paced and methodical. Coupled with the boring camera shot's the editing also is seemingly boring, using only cuts and nothing too much to again keep the simplistic feel, since nothing crazy is going on.
Advertisement Proposal
This is my advertisement proposal
- What's your product: beng-beng Chocolate
-Who is your target audience, why: My target audience is for adults mostly male (20-40), middle class, with a job who want to have a quick, easy, and cheap snack anytime they want, so that in whatever situation they're in, either good or bad, they can have a quick light snack to get their mind off things
-What will your ad be like: A man who is struggling with their office jobs get's multiple emails or messages about negative feedback and personal messages and emails about unpaid debt with flashbacks of gambling. The office worker then proceeds to grab some air outside his cubical and outside the building. While out for some air he decides to eat beng-beng and afterwards starts to forget about all the bad reviews.
A man walks on the street going to a convivence store, on his way there, he sees a lot of crime happing in the alley (someone getting beat up, selling drugs to kids, not paying tax.) after going inside the convenience store, he buys a pack of beng-beng and exits the store. Afterwards, he start's sharing his beng-beng with other people around him doing crime, after receiving the beng-beng they change their mind, and start to do good.
after revising with my teacher, a new scenario for the ad has been given to me:
An extremely formal man a 9-5 job, wearing a black suit, black tie, an overall clean experience, goes downstairs to go eat his boring sandwich prepared from home. with a very disappointing face as he opens his lunch box, the then quickly notices a group of kids having fun and eating beng-beng outside. Seeing this he proceeds to buy his own pack of beng-beng and shares it with the kids. Which then leads the boring office worker to hang out with the kids and have a smile on his face. After showing the ending (text with the brand and moto in the end) and short comedic scene after the ending plays, where everyone with the same boring sandwich looks outside with the 1 office worker having fun, and decides to buy beng-beng to join the hangout.
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Camera angles and movements
Thursday, 3 August 2023
My research on advertisements
Title of the Advertisement: Somesuch >> MonetSuperMarket "That's How I Roll"
Brand/Product: Insurance
Duration of the Advertisement: 1:01
Brief Overview/Summary: Lame white guy wants to be like cool like black guy so he uses insurance
1. Target Audience
guys in their 20s (20-40) in America that are middle class
2. Message and Purpose
it promises users that if product is used, you'll seem hip and cool like seen in the advertisement, this catches the audience into using the product
3. Meaning and Interpretation
it ensures safety to those who use the product while also looking cool
4. Effectiveness
effective enough, could be easy to remember because of the celebrity and the humour.
5. Personal Response
I enjoyed the humour of the advertisement, but I had a troubling time to understand what the product was about
6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
Title of the Advertisement: Cadbury gorillas
Brand/Product: Chocolate
Duration of the Advertisement: 1:30
Brief Overview/Summary: Monkey plays drums
1. Target Audience
young audience, with an appeal to new wave music
2. Message and Purpose
sell chocolate to young audiences using humour and suspense
3. Meaning and Interpretation
it shows the colours of Cadbury chocolate in the beginning to give a refrance and a hint to what the product may be. The rest to me seems random
4. Effectiveness
pretty effective on catching the readers attention with the use of an animal, and is memorable due to the music and humour
5. Personal Response
I found that this advertisement is very amusing and I would definitely remember this advertisement
6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
I laughed at the advertisement and I find it to be more memorable and effective in comparison to the "Somesuch >> MonetSuperMarket "That's How I Roll." this ad effectively made me laugh more
Title of the Advertisement: barbie So In Style
Brand/Product: barbie doll
Duration of the Advertisement: 30 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: minority barbie doll showcase
1. Target Audience
young minority girls using bright and feminine colours
2. Message and Purpose
it shows the target audience using the product being advertised. This conveys that the minorities are also able to play with the barbie dolls. as well as the barbie dolls being modeled after their ethnicity and shows that users of the products get a lot of friends.
3. Meaning and Interpretation
It means that people who design or create the barbie dolls care about the minorities and want's to push their product promoting minorities
4. Effectiveness
The advert is pretty effective with the usage of pop music being catchy and memorable
5. Personal Response
I found this advertisement memorable since the song is catchy and it's tunes are easy to remember
6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
I found this ad to be catchy and memorable although not as memorable as the Cadbury ad
Title of the Advertisement: There's More To Love at Landers Superstore!
Brand/Product: supermarket membership
Duration of the Advertisement: 31 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: shows what the supermarket is filled with, including it's own salon and restaurant
1. Target Audience
middle class adults (20-55) since it talks about a lot of discounts and great deals the supermarket holds when becoming a member
2. Message and Purpose
it shows how the supermarket has almost everything for their families. and convinces that it can keep the entire family busy, and keeps the family happy
3. Meaning and Interpretation
it shows everyone smiling showing how it keeps customers in the supermarket happy when having a membership since it has more plusses than regular customers
4. Effectiveness
This advert to me wasn't so memorable by itself, I only got to know this ad since it was forcefully pushed and always showed up
5. Personal Response
this ad isn't the best, though it does show all the benefits of being a membership, so maybe older audiences would remember this. But since i'm still a teenager, it's isn't that effective for me
6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
this is the ad that doesn't really involve a catchy song as a part of memorability, which makes it not that memorable in my opinion
Title of the Advertisement: So Many Ways – Whopper Combinations
Brand/Product: Burger King Whopper
Duration of the Advertisement: 15 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: quick showcase and montage of the creation of the whopper burger using quick camera shots and camera movements and it's own original music.
1. Target Audience
the target audience for this advert would range from kids to teenagers (age 4-45) that loves to eat food as well as middle class people that can afford at least one of the burgers shown in the video. from the language used, it also appeals to the American people.
2. Message and Purpose
The ad conveys that anyone can eat and build their whooper in the beginning. it also shows how the whopper is incredibly delicious by showing extreme close ups of the burgers and can be used to fill more than 1 stomach using the package shown near the end of the video.
3. Meaning and Interpretation
the ad uses various camera closeups and camera push ins and the trucking motion. they used closeups of the burgers to show in quality how great it looks and how it was made. bright colours where also used to catch the attention of the younger audience and a vibrant colour grading was used to show how joyful the mood of the ad would be. editing is also fast paced to keep the viewers attention, especially the younger audiences. big bright text is used to keep to make the older audience read the ad's positive words
4. Effectiveness
The advert is pretty effective, I found the music very catchy and very upbeat, which is what carried the memorability of it. it's statement of "over 200,000" whopper combinations makes adults and teens like me excited to get to burger king and mix and match their own whopper.
5. Personal Response
I found this ad to be memorable, so far to the point where I specifically searched this for this ad. Mostly because of the song since I usually remember things through audio
6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
I found this ad to be catchy and memorable although not as memorable as the Cadburry ad again. this could be because I found the song in the Cadburry ad to be more catchy even though it's not an original song for the ad
- Match surrounding diegetic sound with non-diegetic music
Weekly Progress
Weekly progress for advert project
Week 2
- Discover and learned camera shots | now able to quickly identify the types of camera shots used in film, and understand it's meaning. and I seemed to quickly grasp the concept of the camera shots
- See how it was used in blockbuster films | understand how directors use specific camera shots to convey mood (ex: low angle: makes the subject seem smaller/weaker) and also practice myself while watching movies, to name the shots being used
Week 3
- Discover and learn different types of camera movements | this for me was a bit harder than learning the camera movements, since they had names that did similar movements and can sometimes be mistaken for the other.
- Practiced our knowledge of camera movements and angles in a mini mini project | the mini mini project was made by experimenting with multiple camera angles combined with camera movements to create a short film to convey an emotion without using dialogue. I filmed this with my partner (Nathan)
- Review and analyze adverts in class | The teacher showed us 5 different adverts in the class, with each being different from the other and having it's own unique trait. We then analyzed these ads and saw what made them appealing to the audience, or caught the audiences attention. I was very surprised with the Cadbury ad as it made me forever remember that ad
- Learned about Mise-en-scene | Mise-en-Scene really helps convey the mood/ feeling the scene gives by using different elements. I found this to be fun and I thought of it to be more interesting.
- Learned about groups of audiences, | (Demographic: age, income, location, occupation) and (Psychographic: interests, values)
- Complete mini mini project | the mini project experimenting with the types of camera angles and camera movements was completed
Week 5
- Learned about diegesis and how to notice bad diegesis and good diegesis | The teacher briefly explained what diegesis was and how it would effect the outcome of a story. Depending on how good the diegesis is, audiences can feel disconnected and less immersed if diegesis is broken
- Know the difference and how to identify Diegetic and Non-diegetic sound | The teacher gave examples and explained what Diegetic & Non-diegetic sound was. I found this to be pretty easy, as I only needed to remember 2 things.
- Storyboard practice of the past project | We created a very short storyboard, like a practice, of the mini mini project I did with Nathan. I found this to be a little challenging since I didn't know what to put in the description at that time
Week 6
- We practiced on an exam style activity with a short scene from A Quiet Place | Quickly did an exam style activity, pointing out a "Big Idea" and developing on the Big Idea from all the techniques the filmaker uses (Mise-en-Scene, camera angles, camera movements, diegetic & non-digetic sound)
- Learned the different types of editing and how to identify the types of editing | Got to understand how editing is done, and how it effects pacing and helps increase composition
- Completed the practice storyboard as well as have our proposal greenlit | Completed a practice storyboard, which to me was challenging because I didn't have a long ruler and my drawings are mediocre. Afterwards, we got help from the teacher to revise our proposals and get it greenlit
- Written a text analysis on the beginning of the Agent Carter series | Did another exam styled activity, but this time we did it together and was only done as a practice.
- Completed the unit test | Completed the 1st unit test of Media Studies, and I didn't find it hard at all
- Completed 1st attempt of storyboard | This is where we begin our storyboard project, after I had completed the 1st attempt of a storyboard
- Continued storyboard | This will definitely take up most of my time
- Started on Self Reflection presentation | Since I just started, hopefully I have enough time to complete this presentation with a decent score. Since I believe I might not have enough time to fully complete it, which I think this mostly would be challenging for me.
- Gave self reflection to most of the SB blogs | This seemed pretty easy to me since, I think I accurately portrayed how I felt while doing these tasks
Critical Self Reflection
This is my Critical Self Reflection presentation