Monday, 10 February 2025

Music Video Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback. 

The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if their are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use google forms to create a survey to share with our audience because we are trying to find out whether we're reaching the right target audience and try to improve on our music video. Here are our questions: 

1. Age

2. Gender

3. How often do you watch music videos?

4. How can you relate with the protagonist?

5. What words would you use to describe the emotions felt in the sample video?

6. How good was the overall quality, writing & message of the music video?

7. How well do you think the visuals matched the mood and message of the song? Please explain your thoughts.

8. What do you think the story or message the sample video is trying to convey?

9. What were your favorite parts of the sample video?

10. How would you improve on the scenes in the sample video?

We chose these questions because they were short enough where it wouldn't take up too much of the person's time, and we get as much results as we can in a short amount of time. We included members of our target demographic in the screen test to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate. Finding people for the screen test was somewhat easy, since i had a handful of friends that were inclined to participate in the small feedback form. Here are the drafts that we showed audiences for the screen test: 

Here are the results from the audience feedback:

From the feedback we learned that our video is somewhat relatable with teenage 17 year old audiences and that they seem to grasp the story of the music video quite well. We also noticed that some aspects of the video are a little blurry

We are going to change some closeups to be less blurry by reshooting some scenes so that it can be clearer in the final outcome. We're also going to reshoot some performance scenes, as I feel they look a little bland and too stationary.

This screen test was a useful part of our process because it helps us grow towards are target audience and make us to create a proper artist with realistic aims and views. This also allows us to better connect with the target audience and make our product tick the right boxes to appeal to the target audience

Reflection: This screentest helped my reassure that our video was giving off the right message for the target audience, and reassures that they were able to grasp the concept of the video. Making the forms and finding participants can be quite troublesome, but I managed to do it since the target audience was teens, and I am friends with people on the teen age range. Next time, I think I'll be able to improve by asking people to be sure.